Tele-health Consultations

At AM Medical LLC we provide Telemedicine Consultations in Washington State. Our fully integrated Telemedicine platform is secure, encrypted, and HIPAA compliant.

online medical service:X-ray and smartphone with stethoscope

You can see us on your mobile device or computer. If you are traveling and need to see your doctor or have an acute health concern, you can make a Telehealth appointment and get your advice while you are on the go. You can be anywhere that offers enough privacy. You can comply with your doctor’s follow-up instructions and maintain your health. Many of us have the responsibility for caring for children or older adults. Finding alternative care so that you can see the doctor can be difficult.

Telemedicine solves this challenge by allowing you to see your doctor while upholding your other responsibilities. Telemedicine appointments are great ways for follow up consultations or acute visits if you are unable to come into the office.

Please call (360) 960-8538 to schedule a telehealth appointment.

Please note, it is required that all new patient visits are in person at AM Medical LLC. Individuals who do not reside in Washington State that would like to discuss feasibility of treatment at AM Medical LLC prior to their travel may schedule a teleconference appointment. Please call (360)960-8538.

Notice to patients: Telemedicine appointments have certain limitations of treatment and diagnosis due to the inability to perform in patient physical examinations. If you need prescriptions, they can be sent to a pharmacy near you, so please make sure you have pharmacy contact information available at time of appointment